I've been blogging now about a year on my blog that chronicles my experience in Infertility-Go Team Baby.
Sometimes I have other things on my mind than getting pregnant, so I thought I'd create a blog here to capture those things.
It's a new year, and what better time to start a new blog. I'm not really sure yet what the content will be-probably about my life and passions and interests.
I live in San Diego, with my fiance Robert and our two chihuahuas, Chai and Bruno. I travel a lot for work which gives me the opportunity to see friends and visit interesting places. When I'm not working, I like to do Pilates, Yoga, Zumba, and work out, even though I've gained 15 lbs from Infertility treatments. I also like to cook, and eat, so that probably doesn't help on the 15 lbs front.
I recently got a new camera and have been trying my hand at Photography.
This year I really want to focus on making our house a home. We moved in after it was built 3 years ago, and what with the economy, and several layoffs impacting income, haven't done a lot to it. I'm not looking for expensive renovations, but starting to do things, little, and when $ allows, more extensive, to make this more into the home we were hoping for when we first purchased this.
So that's it for now. I'm not expecting too many readers at first, but I'll try to get more consistent and exciting!
So honored to be your first follower! :) I missed your last post on your other blog... I'd love to read if you don't mind. You know how to reach me. Looking forward to following your continued adventures, dear friend!